Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Value of a Museum Visit

Following an after school program last week, a large group of students gathered in the entrance to the Museum. Located in the same area are our cash contribution boxes (we are an admission free institution). As almost always a young student plastered his/her face to the box and marveled at all the money. I often take that opportunity to explain why they are there and what function they serve. At the conclusion of my little talk a fifth grade student reached into her oversized winter jacket and pulled out a dollar. With a large smile on her face, she placed it into the box; soon another student followed this time with fifty cents. It made me feel so happy, I guess I’m a sap.

I think it's important to reconnect to our missions/visions/goals and our audiences. Especially during a long winter where the days continue to be gray (at least by me) and we need a little fire starter. Do any of you have similar stories you’d like to share? So we can continue this feel good session!

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